Thursday, October 29, 2015

4 steps to a relationship

In class we determined the four steps to a relationship and discussed why each of them specifically serves its own special purpose.

I kind of touched on the first step of a relationship in my last weeks post. This step was dating, going on dates with a wide variety of people to a wide variety of places or activities. During this time you should be able to learn about your self, what matters to you in a relationship and develop skills.

Then there is courting, this is when you begin dating some exclusivity. Dating someone exclusively is to date someone for marriage. During this time you are seeing how you both handle things as a couple and learning and growing together to see if that bond can be taken to the next level. However it is important to remember the keep going on dates with each other while you are courting.

Next if both people are willing and positive is engagement. Engagement is putting total commitment into one another. It is saying that you are in it for the long haul. Use this time of engagement to become closer to one another. It is easy to get caught up in the planning of the wedding and focus your attention upon that. If you are a girl it is also really easy to lose sight of the marriage and only focus on the planning of the wedding. Take time to make sure that when stressful situations arise during the engagement you are discussing things with your spouse and not a parent or friend. Also make sure that you are preparing for you actual marriage as much as your wedding.

After engagement come Marriage. This is a beautiful gift to be able to have someone with you for time and all eternity. Struggles will arise whether they be money, moving ect. Make sure you communicate with one another and take the time to still go on those dates that got you to here in the first place. When children come along make sure that attention is given to each child as well as your spouse. Take time away from your children to work on your relationship together.

Marriage is a magnificent thing. The journey of getting there may not be super easy but it is super worth it. However once you have reached marriage thats not the destination. The destination is eternity together. Make sure you find ways to let your love grow. Communicate and build together along side one another.

much love, xoxo

Dayna Schneider 

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