Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Leave and Cleave Theory

A family, ideally consists of a Mother and a Father, along with help form the Lord they are able to bring children into this world and build a life and family together. But what happens to this family unit? While being a close family unit is wonderful there comes a time in which the child or children must leave the home.

There are many different cultures through out the world that view the role of families differently. There are some that say that the children are always my babies, there are some where the children must serve their parents always no matter what. There are cultures where it is prized to be a boy and looked down upon the be a girl.

A culture I am thankful for is that of leaving and cleaving. In Genesis 2: 24 it states, " For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh."

While it is important for parents to care and provide for their children, they are essentially using this time to prepare them to go out into the world on their own. To then do as they did and find a spouse so that they may bring spirit sons and daughters into this world as well. Then this culture or cycle continues to children leave and find a spouse so that they may have children of their own. So that God's work can continue, so that our posterity may continue, that missionary work can continue and so much more.  

This is why the process of choosing and picking a spouse is so important. God has blessed us with the opportunity to grow and the most amazing way we can grow and become more like him is to be sealed for time and all eternity and feel that special love that can only be felt through having children.

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