Saturday, February 20, 2016

ABCs of a Relationship and Preparation

The ABCs of creating, establishing and thriving and eternal marriage consist of:
A-     Awareness or Acquaintance with another person.
B-     Buildup of the relationship.
C-     Continuation following commitment to a long-term relationship.

i love having inspiring quotes around that remind me to stay on track, and keep focus. Several...: The best way you can begin this process is to prepare for a successful marriage now! While you may not be married there is many things you can do in order to foster the correct interaction habits and prepare yourself to work functionally in relationships.
President Thomas S Monson said, “Decisions determine destiny. That is why it is worthwhile to look ahead, to set a course, to be at least partly ready when the decision comes.” 

In the church and even in the secular world we are taught to prepare; prepare for your future education, prepare for temptations so that you may stand strong, prepare for camp, prepare for the temple. When we think of it that we it only makes sense that we do the same when it comes to serious dating and the commitment of marriage. Do your best to be consistent with the choices you make, think them through, along with that know your own personal guidelines and principles. This is important when looking for someone and will help you to find someone with the same attributes. Having common ground will help you to build up your relationship in a healthy manner as well.
After the continuation of a commitment it can go one of two ways, both of which you should prepare for as well. 

The first is there may be a deterioration of the relationship which will ultimately end in the termination of the relationship. Break-ups of any kind can be difficult even if they are the right decision. Making sure that you have built your own relationship with the Lord will help during this time. “He can heal the heartbroken” (Luke 4:18) Praying and leaning on him maybe the only thing that will really help you get through it. Also remember that a break up now would be a lot easier than forcing a marriage and ending in a divorce down the road. 

The other way it can go results in the ultimate goal, marriage. Once this happens the biggest thing I can say to you is make sure that you and your spouse are preparing for a MARRIAGE and a life together now just a wedding. It can be really fun to plan the wedding and a building experience for your relationship, but the wedding is just one day a marriage is for eternity. Do not lose sight of that!
I was engaged once and unfortunately we ended up ending it because it was not the correct time. I know that I got caught up in the wedding rather then building up our relationship and future marital relationship with the Lord. When you start dating when you're older it is a lot different, so find ways to include the Lord in your courting, at least that is what I want to do!

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