Thursday, January 28, 2016

Foundational Processes

"An eternal bond does not just happen as a result of sealing covenants we make in the temple. How we conduct ourselves in this life will determine what we will be in all the eternities to come. To receive the blessings of the sealing that our Heavenly Father has given to us, we have to keep the commandments and conduct ourselves in such a way that our families will want to live with us in the eternities."

Successful Marriages and Families: Proclamation Principles and Research Perspectives gives 6 process of how to strengthen and renew eternal bonds and sealing covenants so that we may be able to live with our families in the eternities.

They consist of the following:
1. Personal Commitment to the Marriage Covenant- In The Family: A Proclamation to the World it states that "husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other" When your sealed to your spouse you are covenanting to love and care for one another.
2. Love and Friendship- This one is pretty simple developing love and friendship can last forever and you want to find ways to develop that relationship. That can be through going on dates, late night talks, praying together ect.
3. Positive Interaction- Positive interaction is important in making sure both parties of a marriage feel safe and that they can communicate freely.
4. Accepting Influence from One's spouse- Sometimes it can be hard to accept help from anyone really. Learning how to let your spouse help you will strengthen your relationship and enable you to serve one another.
5. Respectfully handling differences and solving problems- Bringing two people together, even two people who love each other will end in disagreements of some sort. Make sure you communicate and listen to each other in order to problem solve together.
6. Continuing courtship through the years-  This reminds me of how the prophets have told us to endure to the end. Elder Uchtdorf tells us that we should enjoy this enduring to the end. That is how we should look at marriage as well. It will be work for the years to come but it is also such a glorious gift.

So then what can we do now to strengthen this bond even if you do not have a spouse? The answer is simple. The other part of that triangle is the Lord, so we need to learn to strengthen our relationship with him. Along with that we can learn to interact with people in a healthy manner to prepare us for marriage.

For example,
1. You can learn about the covenants you make in the temple now. Also strengthening your relationship with the Lord and preparing to enter the temple will really help you. Along with that do all you can to stay chaste before marriage so that you may also remain chaste within marriage.
2. Learn now how to date properly, go on group dates. Figure out what is important to you and in turn make sure you are giving out what you expect to receive.
3. Learn now how to have positive interactions with everyone you come in contact with. This will help you in your future marriage and relationships in general.
4. Learn to be meek and humble that you may accept advice from those around you. Also learn now how to make your own choices based on that advice.
5. There will be times you may receive an answer from the Lord that you do not agree with. Follow his guidance and counsel that  you may be able to do the same with your spouse in the future. That you will be able to see their side and you learn to see the Lord's side as well. Learning how to problem solve with the Lord now will help you to learn how to problem solve with others as well.
6. Live your life to the fullest! Learn to love the Lord and endure with him by your side. In doing so you will be able to find someone who also works side by side with the Lord!

Marriage is a beautiful thing. A realization of its importance now can help you to cultivate proper thoughts on intimacy and marital covenants. Do what you can now to prepare for tomorrow. Endure to the end! Enjoy it!

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