Thursday, September 24, 2015

Empty Spaces: Children

In 1968 the Population Bomb was written by Professor Paul R Ehrlich. This book stroke fear into the hearts of many American as well as many people around the world. After World War 2 ended there was a massive population increase that we have come to know as the Baby Boom. Professor Ehrlich's book spoke of how due to the Baby Boom if population growth continued the way it was projected to do so then the world would overpopulate. This quickly began to strike fear into the hearts of many people. Questions of where would people live, what would they eat began to arise. Along with the big one that still lingers today, "How can we afford this?"

It is interesting if you travel all over people are having less and less children. The fertility rate (fertility rate: the average number of children born over the lifetime of the average woman) per American household is around 2.13. 2.13 is pretty low right? The sad thing is America has the highest amount fertility rate and that is highly contributed by immigrants which make up a pretty large percentage of Americans. Many other countries are in the 1.9-1.3 range. Many people in different countries say that that is because that is all they can afford. While they still recognize family as a powerful force the want for children is lacking. What many people fail to realize is this fear of not being able to economically handle children or that a larger population will cause issues economically is flawed.

I am going to explain this from a economical stand point as well as a Christian stand point. Feel free to take it or leave it as you may.

While the generation is growing and will continue to grow for a while there will be a drop off point. Many countries are already being to have a higher death rate then birth rate. There are not enough people to replace the jobs that are currently available. Along with that early retirement will become a thing of the past because there will not be enough workers to support the amount of retired folks. The baby boomers are the most educated in American history and they are starting to retire. There is already a problem with not having enough people to take their jobs in the long run but then we also run into a human capitalism problem with this lack of education through out the newer generations. Innovation declines with birthrate declines, so the quality level in the workforce is declining. Maintaining a current standard of living will require us to become even harder workers. So if we want to say this is all a matter of economics we are destroying our economy and ability to retire early by refusing to have children due to money reasons.

Spiritually I feel very strongly about having children. I believe that as a woman I have been given an amazing opportunity and even a responsibility from the Lord to bring children into this world. There are so many beautiful little spirits that want to have bodies and I was lucky enough to have a mother who even at 37 was willing to have children and bring me into this world. I believe that out of all the callings I receive in this life being a wife and a mother is the most important and heavenly calling I will ever be given.

However I must say I do think spouses need to come to an agreement on when and how many children they are going to have, while also being cognizant of the will of the Lord. Sometimes we let the fear of not being adequate enough or having adequate money or supplies gets in the way of our eternal progression it is important in those times to rely on the Lord and remember you and your spouse are fulfilling a sacred calling. I understand that every family situation is different. Pray figure out what is best for you and your family. Grow, love and learn.

Okay babes, I am going to add a talk from Neil L. Anderson because I think it very accurately describes my views on children and their divine roles they play in the family as well as society. Fell free to read it.

Till next time. xoxo.

Some extra Family help

In case you want to dive a little bit deeper into the family. Feel free to also check out some of these other blogs.

Student Name
Blog Name
Michael Williams
Trent Winn
Rebecca Carter
Elizabeth Holmes
Brailey Ellis
Nate Blumenburg
Katelyn S
Shauna D 
Stephanie S
Marissa P 
Christy Y
Mariah M
Cassandra B 
Samantha W
Piper Stocking
Kaylie Kenison
Addi Heap
Ashley Judy
Tim Proskine
Kenedi Goble
Madison Walker
Jordanne Walker
Kaylee Kellogg
Cayley Barton
Micheal Stevenson
Kia Dewsnup
Megan Fokken
Karen Lozano
Kaylie Kenison
Celeste Riches
Nicole Barton
Miranda Mortensen 
Madeline Fife
Katie Beeson
Dayna Schneider
Lacey Turpin
Melissa Gould
Kourtney Howard
Mccall Donovan
Raquel Villafuerte
Mariah Michealis
Ben Davies
Ashley Pound
Ethan Watson
Stephanie Dudley
Kimberly Murphy
Ashley Judy
Devree Hamblin

Friday, September 18, 2015


As it says my name is Dayna Schneider. My dad was in the Marines so I have been blessed to live different places but Northern Virginia is home. As of right now my major is Marriage and Family. The family is a beautiful unit and I am looking forward to sharing the things I learn about the family on here. One of the things that interested my mother in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was their concept of the family. The concept of the family has now become such a large part of my life as well as my sisters now that she is going to have a son literally any day now. I hope you will go on this journey with me as I learn even more secularly and spiritually about the family.

"Family An Anchor: During Rough Waters"